====== Xinhua: Latvian National Opera closed over COVID-19 cluster ====== Bericht über ein [[superspreading-event:lv-riga-chor_nationaloper|Cluster im Chor der Lettischen Nationaloper, Riga]]: > The Latvian National Opera and Ballet (LNOB) has been closed until Nov. 1 after a cluster of COVID-19 cases was reported in the opera choir, its director Egils Silins said Monday. > Performances at the LNOB had been cancelled since Oct. 17 after one chorister was reported to have the infection a day earlier. On Monday, Culture Minister Nauris Puntulis informed about three more cases in the opera choir. So far, COVID-19 cases have only been reported among choristers and there are no reports of any cases in opera soloists or ballet dancers. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-10/19/c_139452035.htm ^Datum | 19.10.2020 | ^Quelle | [[http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-10/19/c_139452035.htm|xinhuanet.com]] | ^Autor*in | Source: Xinhua/Editor: huaxia | ^Kommentar | |