Singen & Corona

Eine Materialsammlung für Sänger*innen und Chöre




LV/Riga: Chor der Lettischen Nationaloper

Berichte über einen Cluster im Chor der Lettischen Nationaloper in Riga, Lettland.

Website Lettische Nationaloper (en)

Cluster im Oktober

Unfortunately several more positive COVID-19 cases have been recorded among the staff of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet. Taking into consideration the situation in LNOB as well as the general epidemiological situation in the country, we have made a difficult but, in our view, the only possible decision. For the safety of our colleagues and spectators the public activity of LNOB has been suspended for two weeks – until November 1.

Quelle: Website der Lettischen Nationaloper, 19.10.2020

The Latvian National Opera and Ballet (LNOB) has been closed until Nov. 1 after a cluster of COVID-19 cases was reported in the opera choir, its director Egils Silins said Monday.

Quelle: Xinhua, 19.10.2020

Siliņš said that the decision was made due to COVID-19 infection confirmation among multiple employees of the opera house. […] Latvia’s Culture Minister Nauris Puntulis revealed in an interview to LTV programme Rīta panorama in the morning of 19 October that additional tests showed three more confirmed COVID-19 infection cases among LNOB choir singers.

Quelle: Baltic News Network, 19.10.2020


superspreading-event/lv-riga-chor_nationaloper.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020-10-24 21:36 von berlindave